At&T Mobile Contract Termination Fee

AT&T Mobile Contract Termination Fee: What You Need to Know

Switching mobile carriers is an exciting decision, but it can also come with some unexpected costs. If you`re a customer of AT&T and you`re thinking about switching to a different carrier before your contract ends, you`ll likely incur a termination fee. In this article, we`ll explore the AT&T mobile contract termination fee and what you need to know about it.

What is the AT&T Mobile Contract Termination Fee?

When you sign up for an AT&T mobile service plan, you sign a contract that specifies the terms and conditions of your service. This typically includes a minimum service period, such as a one or two-year term. If you want to switch to a different carrier before your contract ends, you`ll be charged a termination fee.

The AT&T mobile contract termination fee varies depending on the length of your contract and how much time is left on it. Typically, the fee is $325 minus $10 for each full month that you have completed on your contract. For example, if you`re eight months into a one-year contract, your termination fee would be $245.

It`s important to note that the termination fee only applies to postpaid plans, which are plans where you pay for your service at the end of each billing cycle. Prepaid plans, where you pay for your service upfront, do not have termination fees.

Why Does AT&T Charge a Termination Fee?

The purpose of the termination fee is to recoup some of the costs that AT&T incurs when customers leave before their contract ends. When you sign up for a contract, AT&T gives you a subsidized device, such as a smartphone, at a discounted price. The termination fee helps AT&T cover some of the costs of that subsidy, as well as any administrative costs associated with terminating your service early.

How to Avoid the AT&T Mobile Contract Termination Fee

If you`re considering switching to a different carrier but you`re still under contract with AT&T, there are a few things you can do to avoid incurring the termination fee.

First, you can wait until your contract ends before switching. This will allow you to avoid any fees. Alternatively, you can contact AT&T and ask if they`ll waive the termination fee. This is more likely to be successful if you have a good reason for wanting to switch, such as moving to an area with poor AT&T coverage.

Finally, you can transfer your service contract to someone else. This is known as an assumption of liability. The new owner of the contract will assume responsibility for paying the monthly bills and completing the remaining term of the contract.


The AT&T mobile contract termination fee is an important consideration for anyone looking to switch mobile carriers before their contract ends. While it can be an expensive fee, it`s designed to recoup some of the costs that AT&T incurs when customers leave early. If you`re considering switching, it`s important to weigh the costs and benefits and explore your options for minimizing or avoiding the fee.